I can think of one part of you that’s totally unbreakable. The vag. According to Betty White, unlike soft, scared balls, the vag can take a real beating.

Here’s a poem just for you:

Every vag has a story. Even if it’s gory
Once a month, the busy cunt
Does a 4-week data dump
And as the moon sails above
The drive’s wiped clean, births
away the blood that could’ve made
A mother.
Fuck that. I’d rather my box
Deliver rocks. Rather spend my dollars
on sushi and a shrink.
Invest in your vag and you’ll get
Some good returns.
Keep your 8 hours a night.
Avoid getting burned.
Every good deed gets punished
And that is why
Your vag is for pleasure. Use it
Or it dies.

© 2020 Tahminah Zaman, MFA